
Council Contact Details
Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council are responsible for developing the Local Plan and for determining planning applications. The County Council are responsible for Highways , education and other county wide matters. The Parish Council are responsible for the Neighbourhood Plan and are a statutory consultee for all planning applications.

1. Hinckely & Bosworth Borough Council  01455 238141
Borough Councillor for Stoke Golding: Reg Ward 01455 212369; no email
Mill House, Higham Lane, Stoke Golding, Nuneaton, CV13 6JH
Reg Ward is also chair of the HBBC Planning Committee. Other information about the Planning Committee, including a list of members can be found here
Interim Head of Planning Department: Nicola Smith 01455 255970
The Planning Department, Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council,Hinckley Hub,Rugby Road, Hinckley, LE10 0FR

2. Leicestershire County Council
County Councillor for Stoke Golding
 Ivan Ould 01827 881087 

3. Stoke Golding Parish Council
Clerk Theresa Case 01455 212779
49 Roseway, Stoke Golding Nuneaton, CV13 6HG
Chairperson:Cllr Rachel Terheege